
周一至周五:9:00 -18:00

2024 Gordon Research Conference(高登会议)之分子与细胞神经生物学分会在意大利卢卡圆满举办


2024 Gordon Research Conference系列会议之分子与细胞神经生物学分会于5月26日- […]

2024 Gordon Research Conference系列会议之分子与细胞神经生物学分会于5月26日-5月31日在意大利卢卡举行。这次会议由张明杰院士担任大会主席,诺贝尔奖获得者Thomas Sudhof教授、中国科学院院士、清华大学生命科学学院院长时松海教授、美国科学院院士宋洪军教授等国内外知名神经科学家出席了此次会议。


About Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology Gordon Research Conference
The Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages. The conference program includes a diverse range of speakers and discussion leaders from institutions and organizations worldwide, concentrating on the latest developments in the field. The conference is five days long and held in a remote location to increase the sense of camaraderie and create scientific communities, with lasting collaborations and friendships. In addition to premier talks, the conference has designated time for poster sessions from individuals of all career stages, and afternoon free time and communal meals allow for informal networking opportunities with leaders in the field.

The 2024 Gordon Research Conference on Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology will bring together neuroscientists from academia and industry to discuss the latest breakthroughs in the study of the nervous system. As the tradition of this GRC, the conference will focus on molecular and cellular approaches to study nervous system development, neuronal circuit formation and function, and neurological diseases. The conference will also feature recent technological innovations for studying these scientific questions. Scientific sessions will cover recent discoveries on the development of the nervous system, synaptic function, neural circuits underlying cognitive functions, and molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurological diseases including neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. Again, as the tradition of this GRC, a major goal of this conference is to bring leading neuroscientists from Asia, North America, Europe and the rest of the world to communicate exciting science and to foster new collaborations through formal scientific sessions as well as during informal interactions. To promote the next generation of neuroscientists, short talks will be selected from abstracts submitted by students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty members. This GRC will be preceded by a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, which will feature a keynote speaker and be open only to students and postdoctoral fellows. The GRS will serve as a forum for trainees to broaden their peer network and will complement the GRC in bringing together scientists from around the world to discuss and identify new directions in molecular and cellular neurobiology.





|  关于GRC – About GRC
会议简介 | Background Info

高登研究会议(Gordon Research Conference)是由约翰•霍普金斯化学系教授Neil E.Gordon于1931年发起的,发起者初衷是为了增进相关领域的学者进行直接而有效的沟通和交流,为不同国家的科学家们提供了一个交流的平台。高登研究会议最早称为化学学术会议,因为高登教授是一位化学家。如今,高登研究会议的内容涉及物理、化学、生物等几乎所有领域。历经90多年的发展,高登研究会议由最初的几个会议发展到拥有近400个会议。

高登研究会议由高登非营利组织主办,在美国罗德岛的罗德岛大学内设有高登研究会议中心(Gordon Research Center),专门负责会议的组织工作。至今90多年,高登研究会议只有5任负责人(director),任期都在10年以上。发起者Gordon教授为首任(1931-1947),直到去世前两年才卸任;现任为化学家Nancy Ryan Gray(2003至今)。



主要特点 | Features

  • 高登研究会议最初内容涉及物理、化学、生物,从1991年起增加了科学教育分会,内容都是相关领域的前沿和最新技术。
  • 会议期间不准拍照,不准摄像,不准录音,会议具体内容也不向外界公布。这些保证了会议内容可以得到毫无拘束地充分讨论。
  • 会议报告内容一般都是未发表的成果,科学家们将最新的实验进展,甚至并不成熟、完善的理论拿出来与大家交流探讨。因为有严格的保密措施,也防止了外泄。
  • 高登研究会议对出席人员也有要求。每个分会限额150人,一般被邀请参加的都是在相关领域有较大影响的知名科学家,他们中多半在Science、Nature这样的著名期刊上发表过文章,不少人在世界著名大学任教。
  • 著名杂志Science经常为其公布会议主题。


